Who's Name is on this?
Posted by Major Dave
9:14 AM

This is a call to all of my accountability partners and friends to keep me accountable.
Some recent events have pushed me to the following reflection. As I prepared to leave for holidays, I asked Daniel if he would lead "Winds" in my absence. Of course, he agreed, but indicated that he would be spending time developing relationship with some of his friends who need the Hope of Christ in their lives.
I should have been delighted, but found myself asking "How do I connect with Daniel's friends?". The answer is simple: "I don't. He does. And I support, encourage and resource him to work with his friends." BUT, I seem to want (need) to put my "sticky" fingers on this one. Something within me wants my NAME branded all over this.
Save me from myself!!! Not my name, but HIS name, and let Winds of Hope blow where they need to.
Spirit I call you to come from the four winds and blow upon these dead in order that they may live.