Remember the Poor
Is this a direction from the Lord for Winds of Hope? I had been reading Galatians, where Paul is presenting his "gospel" to the other apostles. He gains their approval to continue reaching the gentiles with one provision: "Don't forget the poor!".
Later that day I walked down Ste Catherine street to meet my friend Glenn for lunch. Each time I passed someone begging for a hand-out on the street I was touched. I pictured what it might be like if Winds were to walk Ste Catherine street with ready made sandwiches and bottled water. Offering a cup of water in His name...??? This would be a great learning time for the younger members of Winds... and a chance to take the Word, Prophecy, and Prayer to the street. We are called to be light where it is most needed.
Or is my call to "remember" the poor to be served out with my contacts at the Booth Centre. I sense the Lord leading in ONE direction, but have been assigned a different direction. Please pray that God will make his direction clear. Time and resources probably mean that I cannot meaningfully be involved with both projects.
Insights and comments are welcome.