Harvest Eyes. Got them?

Posted by Major Dave on 11:36 AM in

Many other fire brands for the Lord are bringing in the sheaves with joy simply because they see the harvest and go after it. Lift up your eyes. Look at your neighborhood, your workplace, your family. Lift up your eyes and see the lonely, the afflicted, the hurting, and the lost. They are all around you. We are in a harvest season now. Are you ready to be recruited? Are you ready to run with the vision? The harvest awaits you!
Patricia King, Light Belongs in the Darkness, p.39



Posted by Anonymous on 11:43 PM
The hope in hopelessness

I don't know what it is, but I feel like we're not doing something. Praying for people can be quite an ordeal + it's never enough. loveing someone until you go insane won't be enough for that person. So what are we to do when we know we can't save the world? An ironic question for me since I'm supposed to go to Nations... But I, scratch that I, God, can't save the people who refuse to believe. And can't push the people who refuse to go further with God. Sure they'll be recognized, but will they really enter the presence of God in heaven? XD =) Well, maybe heaven is his presence, but enough of that! I guess in this way, we can't prevent the apocolypse, nor can we make ourselves believe that we can make it come faster. We ourselves cannot heal or raise people from the dead. I cringe when I imagine what we would do. But we can't raise the dead until we recieve the Holy Spirit. So what more can we do without the Holy Spirit?

Well ... I can read the bible that's for sure. ok sums that up... That's all I can do? Be as good as I can be and read the bible? This makes me very discontent and depressed everytime I think this way... And to everyone who thinks like me and is reading this, happiness is a choice, and I've decided to chose it because God has given me a life to live and that's worth dying for; worth being raped and hung for. Not because those evil things were done to you, but because you simply breathed air. Don't you feel a slight bit of joy when you breathe the air into your lungs when there's a nice cool breeze at night? I feel like every reason for suicide leaves my mind. Everybody thinks of suicide, but not everyone does it. (Just to state what's normal and what's not). But what else can we do? Well I think this is about to get encouraging.

THE BIBLE (Rom. 8:26) says that even your sighs are prayers to God. So in a way, we already are doing what we can. But am I doing what I should be doing by being discontent? If it's Holy discontent I believe so. Example: If you're legitimatly unhappy because when you talk to people about God you can feel the tension and their ignorance towards God then yes I believe it's a holy unhappiness. But if your unhappy that someone slapped you, then forgive that person and move on. I'm kinda proud that I can forgive like this, but God gave this gift to me. So I boast in the Lord! thank you God! You gave me the air I breathe! I'm not in a gas Chamber in a War torn country; no, world!!

So we can thank God, read the Bible and live as we have before we read this message to.. humm lets see can I pick? The Gentiles! And the jews:P The Jews need this more, but more people circumsized of the heart will read this. ... So encouragement and relief for the Gentils, and refreshment of rules for Jews.

Daniel S.


Remember the Poor

Posted by Major Dave on 8:24 PM

Is this a direction from the Lord for Winds of Hope? I had been reading Galatians, where Paul is presenting his "gospel" to the other apostles. He gains their approval to continue reaching the gentiles with one provision: "Don't forget the poor!".

Later that day I walked down Ste Catherine street to meet my friend Glenn for lunch. Each time I passed someone begging for a hand-out on the street I was touched. I pictured what it might be like if Winds were to walk Ste Catherine street with ready made sandwiches and bottled water. Offering a cup of water in His name...??? This would be a great learning time for the younger members of Winds... and a chance to take the Word, Prophecy, and Prayer to the street. We are called to be light where it is most needed.

Or is my call to "remember" the poor to be served out with my contacts at the Booth Centre. I sense the Lord leading in ONE direction, but have been assigned a different direction. Please pray that God will make his direction clear. Time and resources probably mean that I cannot meaningfully be involved with both projects.

Insights and comments are welcome.


Who's Name is on this?

Posted by Major Dave on 9:14 AM

This is a call to all of my accountability partners and friends to keep me accountable.
Some recent events have pushed me to the following reflection. As I prepared to leave for holidays, I asked Daniel if he would lead "Winds" in my absence. Of course, he agreed, but indicated that he would be spending time developing relationship with some of his friends who need the Hope of Christ in their lives.

I should have been delighted, but found myself asking "How do I connect with Daniel's friends?". The answer is simple: "I don't. He does. And I support, encourage and resource him to work with his friends." BUT, I seem to want (need) to put my "sticky" fingers on this one. Something within me wants my NAME branded all over this.

Save me from myself!!! Not my name, but HIS name, and let Winds of Hope blow where they need to.
Spirit I call you to come from the four winds and blow upon these dead in order that they may live.


Talk About Listening To Your Mentors!

Posted by Anonymous on 7:47 PM

WOH Lets get started Organic Church

First I'd like to thank Maj. David McCann for letting me borrow his book, Organic Church, since it's the only one he has. For some backround information that most of you don't know, I really didn't want to read this book because I thought it was just another Churchy book. Already, after half way through the first chapterI had to put down the book and chew on the words for a bit. Stepping out in faith is a whole new concept for me now. Stepping out in faith isn't just beliving that God can or may do anything at any moment, but instead of you yourself doing something, it means beliving that God will do something in that moment that you step out. So while I was waiting for miracles to happend and the wind to call me into battle, I stumbled onto this book and now I'm really messed up. This, of all things, should have been the easiest thing for me to read and accept!

I am not ashamed of the gospel, because because it is the power of God for the
salvation of everyone who belives: first for the jew and then the Gentile.

So basically I'm ashamed of being unable to share the good news to anyone who needs it for fear that they'll follow religion and not God. I don't know why, but it's the hardest thing for me to get past. Now I know why stepping out in faith is such a big deal; it's beliveing that the person your going to share Jesus with, IS ALREADY SAVED! I think this'll take some courage on my part... So, Julie, you know what that means if you're reading this! It means talking to random people on the street and TELLING them about God even if they're holding chainsaws! GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! What about us?? We all need to pray for each other, and anyone else who's interested in joining WOH, for the rest of the summer ( Julie, David McCann and I ) and for Winds Of Hope, so we can start right away. I'm not going into battle without a sword! Yeah I know that's my Bible...

As my mom's favorite inspector, Columbo, says, " just one more thing!" Faith is our shield. I think i just had an epiphany. I can get started anytime if I just have faith. WHY is this such a hard concept to grasp??

Winds of hope member: Daniel


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