Having some serious fun
The Church of St.Arbucks now has a "semi-official" T-Shirt. Actually a friend of mine was at a conference in Vancouver, saw the shirt and thought of me. The logo reads: "Sacrificed for me. (Heb. 10:10)"
We're a small Church, and have serious fun in moving ahead with the Great Commission mandate. Jesus said we were to "Go into all the world and make disciples", which by definition in this same text, are those who "obey the teachings of Jesus". We are listening carefully as God speaks through Scripture, and continually asking ourselves what is "obedience that God is calling us toward"?
Daniel, now 17, is co-founder of Winds of Hope Church. I'm so proud of the growth he has been showing, and often taken back by his insights and questions. Yesterday, he was intrigued by Jesus' words to his disciples: "If they don't receive you, shake the dust off your sandals and go somewhere else." How do you think we are supposed to apply that in your living next week? I think I know!
Some people are curious about How you do Church in a Starbucks. The formula is really quite simple... and here's the trick: It's in the DNA.
Dynamic Truth: We believe that God actually can and does speak to us through His Word without the need for a sermon. So each of us reads, and re-reads the same passages of Scripture all week long. When we come together we share what the Spirit of God has revealed to us.
Nurturing Relationships: We look after each other. When one hurts, we all hurt. When one rejoices, we all rejoice. We spend time checking up on each other. How has the week gone? How is the family doing? How have you been doing with "homework"? ( the obediences to which God is calling us).
Apostolic Mission: We are at Starbucks because we want to live out our experience of God in plain view. We are GOing to where the people are. The "attraction" model of Church does not seem to have much biblical authority behind it. We are praying to be light in the darkness, and trust God to show up. We are to be his witnesses... that is to see and report what we see Him doing at Starbucks... that's much easier than thinking that we actually have to do it.
This week we're all reading Psalm 12 - 17. If you can't join us at Starbucks on Tuesday, why not add your brief reflection of what God says to you through these reading by posting a comment on this blog. We'll bring your insight along into our discussion.