Having some serious fun

Posted by Major Dave on 2:28 PM

The Church of St.Arbucks now has a "semi-official" T-Shirt. Actually a friend of mine was at a conference in Vancouver, saw the shirt and thought of me. The logo reads: "Sacrificed for me. (Heb. 10:10)"

We're a small Church, and have serious fun in moving ahead with the Great Commission mandate. Jesus said we were to "Go into all the world and make disciples", which by definition in this same text, are those who "obey the teachings of Jesus". We are listening carefully as God speaks through Scripture, and continually asking ourselves what is "obedience that God is calling us toward"?

Daniel, now 17, is co-founder of Winds of Hope Church. I'm so proud of the growth he has been showing, and often taken back by his insights and questions. Yesterday, he was intrigued by Jesus' words to his disciples: "If they don't receive you, shake the dust off your sandals and go somewhere else." How do you think we are supposed to apply that in your living next week? I think I know!

Some people are curious about How you do Church in a Starbucks. The formula is really quite simple... and here's the trick: It's in the DNA.
Dynamic Truth: We believe that God actually can and does speak to us through His Word without the need for a sermon. So each of us reads, and re-reads the same passages of Scripture all week long. When we come together we share what the Spirit of God has revealed to us.
Nurturing Relationships: We look after each other. When one hurts, we all hurt. When one rejoices, we all rejoice. We spend time checking up on each other. How has the week gone? How is the family doing? How have you been doing with "homework"? ( the obediences to which God is calling us).
Apostolic Mission: We are at Starbucks because we want to live out our experience of God in plain view. We are GOing to where the people are. The "attraction" model of Church does not seem to have much biblical authority behind it. We are praying to be light in the darkness, and trust God to show up. We are to be his witnesses... that is to see and report what we see Him doing at Starbucks... that's much easier than thinking that we actually have to do it.

This week we're all reading Psalm 12 - 17. If you can't join us at Starbucks on Tuesday, why not add your brief reflection of what God says to you through these reading by posting a comment on this blog. We'll bring your insight along into our discussion.


St. Arbucks Church

Posted by Major Dave on 11:07 AM in
A new kind of Church, or perhaps just something so old it actually seems new.
Montreal is a city-paradox. It is the most post-modern, post-Christian city in North America, but many of its landmarks, street names, and historic sites are named for Christian saints. With a view to creating an effective and alternative approach which would build bridges to a post-Christian city, we are launching out in new adventure in mission, Winds of Hope.
If this all seems rather unconventional, you could think of our Church in more traditional terms.
Recently, our spiritual family has begun referring to our gathering as the Church of St. Arbucks. You see, our Church comes together at least once a week at the local Starbucks. “Good friends, good time, and good coffee!”
What does time at the Church of St. Arbucks look like? Mostly, it looks like every other table at Starbucks. A few friends sitting around a table engaged in conversation. Our family comes together to talk about how the week has gone, what the Lord has been saying through Scripture, what new obediences the Word has called us to. We always spend time in prayer and blessing one another.
At the moment, St. Arbucks (Winds of Hope) meets in Greenfield Park. There are usually 3 or 4 of us together. The dream is to network a few other groups. Live anywhere in the Greater Montreal area? Interested in having a taste of some great coffee and a new expression of Church? Drop me an e-mail, and we'll get together. The expanding dream includes a few French Churches, plus a couple of youth Churches, and at least one downtown location... maybe Crescent Street or St-Denis (depending on language).


The Little Church with the Big Heart!

Posted by Major Dave on 3:23 PM

9 Be quick to give a meal to the hungry, a bed to the homeless--cheerfully. 10 Be generous with the different things God gave you, passing them around so all get in on it: 11 if words, let it be God's words; if help, let it be God's hearty help. That way, God's bright presence will be evident in everything through Jesus, and he'll get all the credit as the One mighty in everything--encores to the end of time. Oh, yes! 1 Peter 4:9-11 (The Message)

One of the benefits of being a “simple church” is that we have no overhead costs: no paid clergy, no building costs, and no salaried positions. God tells us that we must learn to give and be generous with all that He provides. Gifts, tithes and offerings received from the friends and members of our Church are pledged to help other churches and missions both within the province and around the world.

In the past 6 weeks we have been able to receive and pass along $850. In doing so, we have encouraged the ministry of a “faith missionary” in Ontario, helped finance an evangelistic outreach of a Church in Shawinigan (Nouvel espoir), and supported a mission trip to Mexico.

This is just the beginning. Personally, I am convinced that if we continue to live generously, that God will pour into our storehouse from His abundance. Faithful in little, we will eventually be trusted with much. And what we really want from God is to play a part in the great harvest He has planned for this province.

Live as though being generous really matters. It does in God’s economy.


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